Bomb Threat
Remain at a safe distance. Do not investigate any suspicious items yourself.
Alert Security in person, or when safe, use a LANDLINE to call:911 for NYPD or the EHS Emergency Phone.
Cellular Phones can unintentionally set off an explosive device.
When reporting a Bomb Threat:
Provide your name, location, and telephone number.
Advise the emergency operator of exactly what the caller said.
If you receive a Bomb Threat do the following:
Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible.
Write down as much information as possible, do not rely on memory.
Check List
Ask the caller:
When is the bomb going to explode?
Where is the bomb located?
What does it look like?
What will cause it to explode?
Did you place the bomb?
How many bombs were placed?
Why was the bomb placed?
What is your name?
What is your address?
Be perceptive. Listen for and try to detect:
Age of caller
Exact wording of threat
Gender of caller
Background noises
Race of caller
Language ability of caller
Any unusual voice characteristics
Listen to the Public Address System for instructions. If an EVACUATION is ordered, follow the directions of emergency response personnel. BE ALERT! Some bombers will leave explosive devices in the evacuation path/zone. Report any unusual items.