When It Is Time To Leave
We want to ensure that you follow the appropriate check-out procedures to avoid any charges accrued to your account. To quickly expedite your check-out, we might be coming by your room between the hours of 10:00am-5:00pm to do a preliminary damage room assessment. We will give you prior notification and you do not have to be present during this inspection.
To help expedite your check-out and avoid charges, we ask that you do the following beforehand:
Remove personal belongings from your room/suite.
Dispose of all garbage/debris in your room and common areas.
Remove and dispose of all food from your refrigerator and cabinets.
Return all furniture to its original set up (where applicable).
Return keys to staff member at check-out appointment.
If you are able, suitemates should try and check out at the same time, so the last one in apt doesn’t become responsible for anything left behind.
If applicable, provide credit card information to the EHS staff member that checks you out for any damages and unpaid fees/fines. For a list of charges please check our ‘Damages’ section in our Code of Conduct.
Since the entire residence will be checking out around the same time, we ask that you be mindful and start cleaning out your room ahead of time and removing the trash. The hallways fill up very quickly with unwanted items and garbage, so we ask that you begin this process several days before. We will provide trash bags and have more available in the office if needed.
Mail & Packages
Notify companies and the Post Office of your address change. After you depart, EHS will not be able accept or forward any mail or packages in your name. We immediately return all mail/packages to sender after you have departed.
Please change your address in all of your personal accounts such as; Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc.
Should you have any questions regarding your departure, please do not hesitate to ask! We can be reached at HudsonYards@studenthousing.org.